No matter how much you rearrange furniture or look for ideas on Pinterest, you can’t get your space to flow and feel *quite* right.
You know what you like, but you struggle to create your vision and are left feeling like something is missing, but you aren’t sure what. When it comes to picking out accessories for your home you are clueless, so you end up doing nothing because you are scared you’ll make a mistake.
Sound familiar?
You’re ready to come home every day after a long day of work to a space that’s beautifully decorated and looks put-together.
You’re ready for a home that truly reflects YOU that you can feel proud of.
Where you can sit back, relax, and enjoy a glass a wine while watching The Bachelor with your girlfriends.
Are you nodding your head thinking, “Umm yes, please!”
All of this is completely achievable. And I’ll help you get there!
There are two major pieces to decorating your home:
Your Personality Style
Your unique style consists of the colors, furniture types, patterns, textures and more that you’re drawn to that align with your goals.
The Design Plan
The step-by-step process of choosing pieces for your room design and knowing what looks good together while following your style personality and staying true to your intentions.
If you find yourself constantly questioning what color to paint your walls, or can’t decide on what art to hang, or how to accessorize your built-in shelves, let me help you, my friend!
Decorating doesn’t have to be so complicated if you just have a little plan in place and some guidelines to follow. I’ll show you how to break it down to make choosing accessories, furniture, rugs, & more less scary, so you aren’t constantly worried about making a mistake and being stuck with it.